marilah belajar bahasa kelate...
Bagi orang K.L mungkin Lucu & agak pelik.
Bagi Orang Kelate Bahasa nya unik. Setuju tak?
amik mano tuh?
UTK REFRESH BALIK... takut2 ado hok tok ingat doh...... maklumlah duk lluar
lamo..... kalu balik kappong tok la malu
Vocabulary :
Bokbong - spesis musang
Ttuyup - pepatung
Pok Kor - spesis mengkarung
Ike Kkhonge - ikan cencaru
Gelenyar,Gletah -mengenyam, getik
saksoba = Absorber
Supik Gelenyar/supik rhokrhak - plastik bag (yang nipis tu.)
Buah Topoh = buah epal (diambil dr perkataan Arab "tuffah" = epal)
mokte = rambutan
kuk/kok = sekeh
njja = tendang
x cakno = x hirau
nyaknyo = kesian
bbaloh = kelahi
Ggaduh = nak cepat (double `G' means sabdu))
debe = berani gilerr
Bekwoh = kenduri (mungkin berasal dari big work)
Tohok = buang
rhukah = panjat
Ghoho k = susah, payah
hungga = lari (bkn hungga bungga ekk)
cuwoh = curah
getek/etek = juga
tepoh = langgar
tubik = keluar
SIAK DUK GGOBAR = Jangan risau.. Don't worry, be happy!!!
IDAK KO = cuma
WAK GGOGHI = Bagi memulakan sesuatu.. to start with.(biase nyer dlm
urusan perniagaan)
DEKPONG GAK EH = Kalau ya pun
Jjughuh = baik (jjughuh budok tu = baik budak tu)
Kelaghing = kesat/not smooth (kulit kelaghing = skin not smooth
belengas = melekit
klikpah klikpah = terpinga pinga
lipotey = x tetap duduk
nneting = melantun
Kelantan + English?? = "Kelantalish"
POZEK (deposit),
RIZAT (1.result
NNEJA (manager),
ISTEK (estate),
SUWIH (switch),
MERKET (market), dll...
BOKK (book)
rhoba (rubber)pemadam
Kata penguat dlm bahaso Klate pun boleh tahan menarik:
pahit LLEPE
tawar EBER
putih SSUEH
hite LLEGE
biru KKETU
kuning NNEHE
comel LLOTE
gemuk DDEBOK
busuk BANGA
hapok KOHONG
nnakut/penakut apah
cerhoh/cerah jheriloh
jatuh celabok
kuca hanya (suara mengidung sedikit)
Ada beberapa "bunga bahasa" dalam loghat kelantan yang unik..
YAK = lebih kurang "opocot!!!" atau "oops!!"
DEH? = memohon restu atau persetujuan. ..lebih kurang "OK?",
GAK = lebih kurang "habis tu.." atau "so.."
PAH? = lebih kurang "GAK"
HO(bunyi naik ke hidung sikit ) = "ya lah.." atau "yes"
DOCK? = lebih kurang "bukan?", "betul tak?" atau "isn't it?"
LAMOKE = nanti kan
Seperkara lagi, ada diantara perkataan dalam penggunaan biasa loghat
Kelantan di anggap TABOO dalam loghat yang lain, atau
sekurang-kurangnya tak manis didengar pengertiannya di dalam loghat
tempat lain...Yang popular digunakan antaranya:
CEBOCK : kita maksudkan 'cedok', selalunya untuk cecair, mencedok
air. Banyak tempat sebelah pantai barat membawa maksud "basuh b***k"
PPATAK : kita maksudkan 'paling bawah'. Mencarut bagi mereka...
JEBO : kita maksudkan 'botol' (kurang popular sebenarnya, tapi org
tua-tua masih guna perkataan ni..) Kalau silap dengar, lain
NYOR KOTER : kita maksudkan "kelapa tua yang kering tak berair"
(ingat slogan CAWAT KOTE?) di kebanyakan tempat, ianya mencarut
TTINO : kita maksudkan 'perempuan' tapi bila sebut BETINA, ramai yang
marah.(begi tu juga JATE...)
AIR TUAK : kita minum di bulan puasa, buat berbuka!!! Bagi orang
luar, TUAK adalah Haram (sama taraf dengan TODI & ARAK...)Yang fresh
& manis tu dipanggil NIRA.
NNATE : kadangkala "simbol" kemesraan antarakawan. ..cuba direct
translate jadi BINATANG... Boleh bergaduh nanti...
SUKU SAKAT : bagi kita,bermaksud "tidak kena mengena", bagi org KL,
ia bermaksud "kaum kerabat" contradict betul!!!sprt gak perkataan
bujang(buje) membawa erti janda kalu di kelantan.
SIA = sembuh
Biasanya perkataan yang berakhir dengan`an',' am','ang' diganti dengan
`e'. cth :
Jangan = jange
Lengan = lenge
ayam = aye
Geran = gere,
Pisang = pise
Malam = male BUT NEVER NEVER & NEVER apply this formula on words like
pelam(mangga) & pelan.(nanti jd lain lak.)
Akhir sekali, peranan "SABDU" dalam loghat Kelantan. Begitu besar dan
boleh membezakan langit dengan bumi. Sekadar contoh,
Tanpa 'sabdu' orang boleh patah gigi kerana MAKAN KANTIN, sepatutnya
disebut MAKE KKETENG (eating at the canteen)!!!
Atau salah faham antara TAK PAKAI (not wearing) dengan TOK PPAKA
(useless).Atau keliru diantara KECEK('ngenen' ) dengan KKECEK
(bercakap) dan juga banyak di ringkaskan pecakapan sprt :make kkeda
(makan di kedai) maye ssejid (sembahyang di masjid)tido lluar(tidur
di luar)
so itula tutorial kite ttg bhs kelantan..(kalu nk himpun bnyk lg)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Komen SYABAS. Penting kepada semua penduduk.
syabas telah melakukan pemeriksaan pada hari ini 26/2/2009 jam 9.00 pagi ke 5 buah apatmen yang terlibat dengan migrasi meter air.
labelling tidak sesuai-tindakan kpd kontraktor,mpsb.
ampai baju-tindakan kpd semua penduduk. jgn mengadakan ampaian baju berdekatan dengan meter air,menghalang meter air.
meter clamp-tindakan kpd semua penduduk. ubah dan alihkan semua jenis clamp pada meter air.
water filter-tindakan kpd semua penduduk.ubah danalihkan segala jenis water filter dari meter air.
meter stand untuk rumah sampah-tindakan kpd kontrak dan mpsb.
grill-tindakan kpd semua penduduk.ubah dan alihkan segala jenis grill yang menghalang meter air.
motosikal,basikal yang dikunci bersama meter air-tindakan kpd semua penduduk.alih dan ubahkan semua motosikal dan basikal dari kawsan meter air.
untuk apt buginvilla dan anggerik-pintu riser akan dibuat selepas pemeriksaan meter.tindakan kepada semua ketua penduduk,jmb dan agen pengurusan menulis surat undertaking kepada syabas, mengaku akan membuat dan membaiki pintu riser selepas pemeriksaan syabas.
jika alasan-alasan yang dinyatakan di atas dapat dipatuhi dan diselaraskan, syabas tiada masalah untuk meluluskan pemeriksaan meter.
pemeriksaan akan dijalankan semula selepas kepastian diperolehi dari semua ketua penduduk ttg permasalahan diatas.
terima kasih.
syabas telah melakukan pemeriksaan pada hari ini 26/2/2009 jam 9.00 pagi ke 5 buah apatmen yang terlibat dengan migrasi meter air.
labelling tidak sesuai-tindakan kpd kontraktor,mpsb.
ampai baju-tindakan kpd semua penduduk. jgn mengadakan ampaian baju berdekatan dengan meter air,menghalang meter air.
meter clamp-tindakan kpd semua penduduk. ubah dan alihkan semua jenis clamp pada meter air.
water filter-tindakan kpd semua penduduk.ubah danalihkan segala jenis water filter dari meter air.
meter stand untuk rumah sampah-tindakan kpd kontrak dan mpsb.
grill-tindakan kpd semua penduduk.ubah dan alihkan segala jenis grill yang menghalang meter air.
motosikal,basikal yang dikunci bersama meter air-tindakan kpd semua penduduk.alih dan ubahkan semua motosikal dan basikal dari kawsan meter air.
untuk apt buginvilla dan anggerik-pintu riser akan dibuat selepas pemeriksaan meter.tindakan kepada semua ketua penduduk,jmb dan agen pengurusan menulis surat undertaking kepada syabas, mengaku akan membuat dan membaiki pintu riser selepas pemeriksaan syabas.
jika alasan-alasan yang dinyatakan di atas dapat dipatuhi dan diselaraskan, syabas tiada masalah untuk meluluskan pemeriksaan meter.
pemeriksaan akan dijalankan semula selepas kepastian diperolehi dari semua ketua penduduk ttg permasalahan diatas.
terima kasih.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Aktiviti Tahunan KRT Buginvilla.
Mesyuarat AJK KRT akan di adakan pada Ahad, 1/3/2009, 10 pagi di Dewan Buginvilla. Kedatangan adalah diwajibkan.
peruntukan dari krt daerah telah pun dimasukkan ke akaun krt buginvilla.
perkara-perkara yang perlu dilakukan;
1.papan tanda dan bilik operasi. seperti sedia maklum bilik operasi adalah di sebelah dewan buginvilla.surat kelulusan telah diperolehi untk krt menggunakan bilik ini sebagai bilik operasi. bilik ini perlu dilengkapi dengan carta organisasi, objektif krt, piawai krt mengikut aturan kementerian perpaduan. bilik ini juga perlu dilengkapi dengan perabut seperti meja, kerusi dan lain-lain yang difikirkan perlu untuk beroperasi. papan tanda sedia ada perlu di tulis semula kepada 'kawasan rukun tetangga kawasan apatmen buginvilla' .
2.perancangan tahunan. adalah diharapkan kepada semua ahli supaya dapat memberi maklum balas tentang aktiviti yang akan dijalankan dalam tahun 2009 ini yang berdasarkan perpaduan masyarakat harmoni dan meliputi semua kaum yang ada.
adalah di rancangkan supaya buginvilla membawa mesej perpaduan dengan tema 'masyarakat wawasan, generasi makmur' atau lebih kepada minda yang bebas, matang dalam memupuk generasi yang bertanggung jawab dan beretika.
3.aktiviti tahunan lepas wajar dipupuk semula. gotong royong setiap bulan, hari keluarga, keceriaan rumah tangga, disamping hari-hari kebesaran kemerdekaan, dll.
perlu diingat semua, setiap aktiviti mendapat pembiayaan dARI KRT DAERAH TETAPI PERLU BERSERTA DOKUMEN. perancangan dari segi perbelanjaan, tetamu, mesej, tema dan faedah yang didapati dari setiap aktiviti perlu di ambil kira. barulah pembiayaan ini dapat disalurkan ke akaun krt.
4.ahli semua perlu tahu setiap objektif yang kita akan jalankan. tiada sempadan yang akan membezakan kita dari segi perpaduan tetapi perlu mengambil kira lunas-lunas dan batasan sebagai individu mengikut hukum-hukum yang ditetapkan.
jadi, selamat bersidang.......
peruntukan dari krt daerah telah pun dimasukkan ke akaun krt buginvilla.
perkara-perkara yang perlu dilakukan;
1.papan tanda dan bilik operasi. seperti sedia maklum bilik operasi adalah di sebelah dewan buginvilla.surat kelulusan telah diperolehi untk krt menggunakan bilik ini sebagai bilik operasi. bilik ini perlu dilengkapi dengan carta organisasi, objektif krt, piawai krt mengikut aturan kementerian perpaduan. bilik ini juga perlu dilengkapi dengan perabut seperti meja, kerusi dan lain-lain yang difikirkan perlu untuk beroperasi. papan tanda sedia ada perlu di tulis semula kepada 'kawasan rukun tetangga kawasan apatmen buginvilla' .
2.perancangan tahunan. adalah diharapkan kepada semua ahli supaya dapat memberi maklum balas tentang aktiviti yang akan dijalankan dalam tahun 2009 ini yang berdasarkan perpaduan masyarakat harmoni dan meliputi semua kaum yang ada.
adalah di rancangkan supaya buginvilla membawa mesej perpaduan dengan tema 'masyarakat wawasan, generasi makmur' atau lebih kepada minda yang bebas, matang dalam memupuk generasi yang bertanggung jawab dan beretika.
3.aktiviti tahunan lepas wajar dipupuk semula. gotong royong setiap bulan, hari keluarga, keceriaan rumah tangga, disamping hari-hari kebesaran kemerdekaan, dll.
perlu diingat semua, setiap aktiviti mendapat pembiayaan dARI KRT DAERAH TETAPI PERLU BERSERTA DOKUMEN. perancangan dari segi perbelanjaan, tetamu, mesej, tema dan faedah yang didapati dari setiap aktiviti perlu di ambil kira. barulah pembiayaan ini dapat disalurkan ke akaun krt.
4.ahli semua perlu tahu setiap objektif yang kita akan jalankan. tiada sempadan yang akan membezakan kita dari segi perpaduan tetapi perlu mengambil kira lunas-lunas dan batasan sebagai individu mengikut hukum-hukum yang ditetapkan.
jadi, selamat bersidang.......
Monday, February 23, 2009
Stop using polystyrene
Stop using polystyrene
THE Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) wishes to call the attention of the Selangor and Penang state governments and especially the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, to the widespread use of polystyrene food and drink containers during the recent Thaipusam festival in their respective states.
CAP conducted a study comprising random data collection at both locations where large crowds gathered during the festival to gather information on the number of polystyrene food and drink containers used.
Shockingly, the study revealed that 630,000 and 347,000 polystyrene food and drink containers were used in Selangor and Penang respectively. This data was acquired over the two days of the festival and from the numerous stalls providing free food and drink.
At times, these stalls provided up to 40,000 polystyrene food and drink packages. The data gathered does not include polystyrene package usage in other states such as Kedah, Johor or Perak during Thaipusam.
CAP takes a serious view of the fact that almost 1,000,000 polystyrene containers were used during the two days. Although there have been claims that polystyrene can be classified as non-hazardous to the environment, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims as yet.
Polystyrene is not biodegradable. It not only floats on water but is also borne by the wind, thereby polluting shores and waterways.
According to the California Coastal Commission, it is now a principal component of marine debris. The substance may also be harmful to wild animals if ingested by them.The international environment group, Californians Against Waste classifies polystyrene as a future potential threat to sustainable development.
According to a study by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER), polystyrene which is manufactured using HCFC-22 (Chlorodifluoromethane, a potential ozone depleting agent and potent greenhouse gas) is potentially three to five times more likely to pose a threat to the environment than other waste material.
CAP urges concerned parties in all states to play an important role in ending the use of polystyrene; not just during Thaipusam celebrations but also at official functions and celebrations.
It is regrettable that polystyrene was widely used while there are more recyclable, sustainable and freely obtainable alternatives such as banana leaves and environmentally friendly containers pioneered by Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment needs to be more aggressive in addressing the reduction of polystyrene use at all official functions as well as at national level festivities and celebrations.
As long as there are no aggressive steps taken by the authorities to halt the use of polystyrene, it will be difficult to expect society to embark on a paradigm shift to rejuvenate and preserve the environment.
S.M. Mohamed Idris,
Consumers Association of Penang.
THE Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) wishes to call the attention of the Selangor and Penang state governments and especially the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, to the widespread use of polystyrene food and drink containers during the recent Thaipusam festival in their respective states.
CAP conducted a study comprising random data collection at both locations where large crowds gathered during the festival to gather information on the number of polystyrene food and drink containers used.
Shockingly, the study revealed that 630,000 and 347,000 polystyrene food and drink containers were used in Selangor and Penang respectively. This data was acquired over the two days of the festival and from the numerous stalls providing free food and drink.
At times, these stalls provided up to 40,000 polystyrene food and drink packages. The data gathered does not include polystyrene package usage in other states such as Kedah, Johor or Perak during Thaipusam.
CAP takes a serious view of the fact that almost 1,000,000 polystyrene containers were used during the two days. Although there have been claims that polystyrene can be classified as non-hazardous to the environment, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims as yet.
Polystyrene is not biodegradable. It not only floats on water but is also borne by the wind, thereby polluting shores and waterways.
According to the California Coastal Commission, it is now a principal component of marine debris. The substance may also be harmful to wild animals if ingested by them.The international environment group, Californians Against Waste classifies polystyrene as a future potential threat to sustainable development.
According to a study by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER), polystyrene which is manufactured using HCFC-22 (Chlorodifluoromethane, a potential ozone depleting agent and potent greenhouse gas) is potentially three to five times more likely to pose a threat to the environment than other waste material.
CAP urges concerned parties in all states to play an important role in ending the use of polystyrene; not just during Thaipusam celebrations but also at official functions and celebrations.
It is regrettable that polystyrene was widely used while there are more recyclable, sustainable and freely obtainable alternatives such as banana leaves and environmentally friendly containers pioneered by Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment needs to be more aggressive in addressing the reduction of polystyrene use at all official functions as well as at national level festivities and celebrations.
As long as there are no aggressive steps taken by the authorities to halt the use of polystyrene, it will be difficult to expect society to embark on a paradigm shift to rejuvenate and preserve the environment.
S.M. Mohamed Idris,
Consumers Association of Penang.
Merujuk kepada mesyuarat terakhir pada 20hb Februari 2009, pendaftaran untuk meter individu kepada SYABAS.
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa tuan/puan perlu mengisi borang pendaftaran SYABAS berserta Perjanjian Jual Beli, Resit Cukai Pintu MDHS, salinan kad pengenalan dan wang deposit dan pemasangan meter RM130.00.
Borang-borang boleh didapati dari pejabat Medan Prestasi, An Network SB, Pengerusi Persatuan Penduduk di Apartmen masing-masing atau boleh hubungi En M Sabri Musa 0132192448.
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa tuan/puan perlu mengisi borang pendaftaran SYABAS berserta Perjanjian Jual Beli, Resit Cukai Pintu MDHS, salinan kad pengenalan dan wang deposit dan pemasangan meter RM130.00.
Borang-borang boleh didapati dari pejabat Medan Prestasi, An Network SB, Pengerusi Persatuan Penduduk di Apartmen masing-masing atau boleh hubungi En M Sabri Musa 0132192448.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Five million people have hypertension, says Liow
KUALA LUMPUR: As high as 43% of Malaysians aged 30 years and above are prone to getting hypertension, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.
“It is now estimated that there are 4.8 million individuals with hypertension in Malaysia,” he said after launching the seventh Asian-Pacific Congress of Hypertension at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre yesterday.
The National Health and Morbidity Survey 2006 showed a 10% increase since 1996 in the number of Malaysians suffering from hypertension and other related diseases, he said.
“It is also alarming to note that two-thirds of Malaysians with hypertension were unaware they had the disease,” he said.
Speaking to reporters after opening the Rebirth of Pantai (Hospitals) ceremony here, Liow said it was now compulsory for private hospitals to report all deaths during anaesthetic, surgical and other medical procedures to the Health Ministry’s director-general within 72 hours of the incident.
It is learnt the ministry was concerned about the number of deaths that went unreported in private healthcare.
KUALA LUMPUR: As high as 43% of Malaysians aged 30 years and above are prone to getting hypertension, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.
“It is now estimated that there are 4.8 million individuals with hypertension in Malaysia,” he said after launching the seventh Asian-Pacific Congress of Hypertension at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre yesterday.
The National Health and Morbidity Survey 2006 showed a 10% increase since 1996 in the number of Malaysians suffering from hypertension and other related diseases, he said.
“It is also alarming to note that two-thirds of Malaysians with hypertension were unaware they had the disease,” he said.
Speaking to reporters after opening the Rebirth of Pantai (Hospitals) ceremony here, Liow said it was now compulsory for private hospitals to report all deaths during anaesthetic, surgical and other medical procedures to the Health Ministry’s director-general within 72 hours of the incident.
It is learnt the ministry was concerned about the number of deaths that went unreported in private healthcare.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Exam Shock

IF someone’s intestines are protruding from an open abdominal wound, should you:
A. Put them back in place.
B. Do nothing.
C. Cover them with some kind of container and fasten it around the body.
The above is not from a first-year medical school exam, but is one of the 100 questions that locals and foreigners alike could find on China’s written driver’s licence exam. (The answer, by the way, is C.)
Road to success: Vehicles stuck in heavy traffic in downtown Beijing. To get your driver’s licence in China, you need to answer tough questions concerning spitting, and intestines spilling out of one’s belly.
Test candidates are given a booklet of 800 test questions, 100 of which appear on the actual exam. While the questions dealing with traffic signs are universally understood, others have singularly Chinese characteristics.
Sometimes two of the three answers could be equally right, or the answer that is considered right is obviously false.
Take the following example: What should a driver do when he needs to spit while driving?
A. Spit through the window.
B. Spit into a piece of waste paper, then put it into a garbage can.
C. Spit on the floor of the vehicle.
Answer? B.
On one recent morning, a group of Americans, Russians, South Koreans and French nationals waited for the test at the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau, in a room reserved for foreigners behind the toilets.
A series of gory images flashed across a flat-screen television: a badly injured person lying in a car’s back seat, covered in blood; a dazed driver sitting on the ground after an accident; mourning relatives in tears.
Nikita, a Russian who works for an aviation company in the Chinese capital, was the most confident person in the group, after spending four days revising the multiple-choice questionnaire. Nothing could go wrong, or so he thought.
The 20 or so candidates took their seats, each facing a computer screen. The test began.
They had to write their ID numbers, pick a language, and click their way through the computerised test: A, B, or C. True or False. Yes or No.
All 100 questions had to be completed in 45 minutes, with a candidate needing 90 or more correct to pass. Results were given immediately.
A group of US Embassy staffers left the room, mostly in a jubilant mood – all had passed except for one man, who only got 82% correct.
“We spent the entire weekend cramming,” one of them said.
A woman tried to console the candidate who had failed. “It would’ve been an even bigger pity if you had scored 89,” she said.
Nikita, for his part, was utterly devastated. Despite all his hard work, he only answered 45 questions correctly.
“I couldn’t understand a word of the Russian used on the test,” he said.
Once the written test is over, foreigners who have a driver’s licence in their home country are not required to take a practical test, unlike the Chinese.
But they do have to have their eyesight checked, and this seemingly simple exercise also holds its fair share of surprises.
At a nearby hospital, a nurse asked the latest candidates to read letters from a lighted panel, covering the left and the right eye in turn.
But they have to read the panel in a mirror. And the letters listed do not exist in any known alphabet.
A backwards E? One that is upside down? How do you pronounce that?
Somehow, the candidates passed the sight test, and most left the traffic management office a short time later with licences in hand.
But reality will soon set in.
At the entrance to the parking lot were two cars crumpled like accordions, and on the streets of Beijing, no one seems to pay attention to the rules of the road.
Drivers routinely overtake on the right, taxis breeze through red lights, cyclists ride against the traffic and pedestrians jaywalk.
Last year alone, 73,500 people were killed and 304,000 injured in traffic accidents in China.
Welcome to China’s roads, among the most dangerous in the world. – AFP
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Mee Rebus
Sebelum Ekin Bertemu Dengan MAWI
Meminang Ke Bagan Datoh
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